As COVID-19 spreads, don’t forget about the world’s deadliest animal
Mosquitoes are out biting every night, infecting millions of people with malaria—a disease that kills a child every other minute... Social ShareNEW: Community!
ਅ aਆ aaਇ iਈ eeਉ uਊ ooਏ e, aeਐ aiਓ oa, oਔ auਂ An |
ਕ kਖ khਗ gਘ ghਙ nGਚ chਛ Chਜ jਝ jhਞ nyਟ tਠ Tਡ dਢ Dਣ Nਤ thਥ Thਦ dhਧ Dhਨ nਪ pਫ phਬ bਭ bh, B, Bhਮ mਯ yਰ rਲ lਲ਼ Lਵ vਸ਼ sh, Shਸ sਹ hਖ਼ q, Khਗ਼ Gh, Gਜ਼ zੜ Rਫ਼ f |